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Parenting Without Cries


This eLearning is available as a part of a packaged service that also includes a one-on-one consultation with my client two weeks after the course is completed and the learning is practised. The reason behind the learning solution was to give clients an opportunity to dive into my client's knowledge and expertise and do it when and where it is convenient for them. 

Before I started developing the course, I had a chance to attend one of my client's live webinars on the topic, read my client's notes, and get access to participants' feedback. When working on the course design, I wanted to connect learners with the learning material on a psychological level. For example, it was necessary to use photos of real people with real emotions. I also referred to the psychology of colours to develop various scenes aiming to evoke different feelings in different situations. 

I loved working on this project; It challenged my thinking. It stretched my Photoshop skills. But most importantly, it was one of those topics that had personal value for me. 

My Role: instructional design, eLearning development

Target Audience: adults who want to build a better relationship with 2-5-year-old children

Tools Used: Articulate Storyline, Photoshop​

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